I can't believe Christmas is just a few days away - are you feeling the same way? I thought it was just us since we've been in la-la land with our little one but I feel like I've also heard the same sentiment from friends! Our month in a nut-shell has been very relaxing and fun. Lots of time with family, visits with friends, and we've even squeezed in a few dates (thanks Mom and Auntie!).
Madelyn is growing like a champ and sleeping SO well. With the exception of a few days ago when she barely slept and cried most of the day, she's consistently sleeping at least 6, sometimes 7 or 8 (yes, 8!) hours at night :) We are SO lucky to be getting good sleep from so early on... I think she takes after her momma, who loves her sleep and has no trouble sleeping anywhere or anytime. Now I guess the challenge will be to make this a consistent routine because I sure could get used to this!! HA! Madelyn loves to be bounced, she loves to watch TV, and seems to also enjoy tummy time. She especially likes being told she's a "pretty girl" that always makes her smile :) We went to the Dr. yesterday because she's really gasey and it makes her pretty uncomfortable. We've switched up her formula yet again and we've started to give her a special gas-relief drop to help with the discomfort... hopefully it helps. Not to worry though, she's doing just fine - at just 7 weeks old, our "little" munchkin is already 12 lbs! We checked yesterday and I was 9lbs at birth, at my 2 month appointment, I was 11lbs 4 oz, so M is tracking quite a bit bigger! Wonder how much weight she will gain in the next week before her appointment :)
We're very excited for Madelyn's first Christmas and celebrating all of our traditions with her! We'll be spending Christmas Eve and Christmas day in New Canaan with my family and then celebrating again with the Krippene/Kurre/Lenkaitis family with what we call our TK Christmas on 12/30 - we can't wait! Speakinbg of Christmas, while Madelyn is napping I probably should take advantage of the time and get wrapping! Wishing you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful time together!
loving her early Christmas present from us-
Cutie patootie rocking her jeggings for the first time!
Sunday funday hanging by the fire at Grandma and Grandpa's
our petty girl :)
Sophie jumped in the photo for a quick kiss - precious!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Dear Madelyn -
It's hard to remember what life was like without you because now everything just seems right... It's difficult to describe just what you have done to our hearts, you are the light of our lives and we are so blessed to have you! While I was washing your bottles the other day, I found myself singing this one line of a song over and over, subconsciously I guess, this was just how I was feeling... "how wonderful life is, while you're in the world...." I love you so much Madelyn Jayne
Sunday, December 4, 2011
1 Month Old
Little Miss M is 1 Month old! We love you baby girl - thank you for filling our hearts with so much joy and love!
One fast month!
Everyone always says enjoy it, it goes so fast - my God though, it really does! Not that I ever doubted it, but it's mind boggling that I've almost been out of work for 6 weeks already and Madelyn is almost 5 weeks old. We just got her newborn photos from the shoot we did when she was 9 days old and she already looks like a different baby! She has grown out of her newborn clothes and some of her 3 month outfits are starting to feel snug already. At her 1 month appointment last week she weighed 10 lbs 4 oz and is 22 inches long - a big girl but in the nurses words, she is "perfectly proportioned."
Brian and I have both been battling colds and sinus infections these past few weeks which has put a little damper on my mood but aside from that life is perfect. Madelyn has cooperated though, she is congested and the poor thing has been sneezing a bunch - but she's been sleeping from 11pm - 5am or 6pm most nights over the last week. I was afraid to mention that for fear of jinxing it, but what a treat that has been especially when we're not feeling well!! If only we can keep that up this week, wonder if we'll be so lucky...
Madelyn is just amazing and we are in awe of her, enjoying every second and all the changes that we've already witnessed. I know they say babies can't smile when they're this little, but we swear, she can... what can we say she's a happy baby already :)
We spent Thanksgiving in New Canaan with the Tiani/Zimmer clan and had a great few days with family! Madelyn got to meet a few of her great uncles and lots of 2nd cousins. The weather was perfect and we all enjoyed the time together reflecting on all we had to be thankful for! On Black Friday we brought Madelyn along for her first trip to Jones Tree Farm to get our Christmas Tree, one of my favorite family traditions! Again the weather was perfect, M enjoyed her first outing in the baby bjorn and we picked a pretty good tree :)
Here are some pictures from our last few weeks! Happy Holidays!
Meeting the Kurre family -
Tyler loves Madelyn
Madelyn's 2nd cousin James was excited to hold her -
Precious picture of my Uncle John and Aunt Christina meeting Miss M-
Quick game of football in the front yard -
Me and my little munchkin :)

Our family Thanksgiving pic -
Four generations --
Auntie loves her little M -
The Zimmer clan from Illinois -
Our first family trip to Jones Tree Farm -
Brian and I have both been battling colds and sinus infections these past few weeks which has put a little damper on my mood but aside from that life is perfect. Madelyn has cooperated though, she is congested and the poor thing has been sneezing a bunch - but she's been sleeping from 11pm - 5am or 6pm most nights over the last week. I was afraid to mention that for fear of jinxing it, but what a treat that has been especially when we're not feeling well!! If only we can keep that up this week, wonder if we'll be so lucky...
Madelyn is just amazing and we are in awe of her, enjoying every second and all the changes that we've already witnessed. I know they say babies can't smile when they're this little, but we swear, she can... what can we say she's a happy baby already :)
We spent Thanksgiving in New Canaan with the Tiani/Zimmer clan and had a great few days with family! Madelyn got to meet a few of her great uncles and lots of 2nd cousins. The weather was perfect and we all enjoyed the time together reflecting on all we had to be thankful for! On Black Friday we brought Madelyn along for her first trip to Jones Tree Farm to get our Christmas Tree, one of my favorite family traditions! Again the weather was perfect, M enjoyed her first outing in the baby bjorn and we picked a pretty good tree :)
Here are some pictures from our last few weeks! Happy Holidays!
Meeting the Kurre family -
Tyler loves Madelyn
Madelyn's 2nd cousin James was excited to hold her -
Precious picture of my Uncle John and Aunt Christina meeting Miss M-
Quick game of football in the front yard -
Me and my little munchkin :)
Our family Thanksgiving pic -
Four generations --
Auntie loves her little M -
The Zimmer clan from Illinois -
Our first family trip to Jones Tree Farm -
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