Nope, not diamonds... (well those too) but this is all about
dogs! I came across this quote recently that explains my love for the four-legged furry friends:
"I have had a long unabashed love affair with dogs that stretches back to early childhood" - Caspar Weinberger
The quote is a little intense, but honestly, I have loved dogs for as long as I can remember. I'm the crazy lady who always bends down to meet a strangers beloved pet, who talks to their dog like it's a person, who treats their dog like it's a child, who would adopt 5 more dogs if my husband would let me and who often day-dreams about quitting her job to work with dogs in some way. So you get the picture?
Almost 3 years ago, while Brian and I were living in a cozy 1 bedroom apartment in Stamford, we went to a puppy adoption day. We really were going just to look. After all, we had parameters - we wanted it to be girl, a "good" breed, a good apartment-dog, yadda, yadda. As we stood in line waiting to get in, we guessed there was less than a 30% chance we'd leave with a dog. Sure enough, I spotted HIM first and was smitten. Although Brian initially labeled him scary, we spent about 10 minutes with him and we were sold. Quigley was suddenly our dog!
Here he is on the day we got him. He was about 7 or 8 months old and only 30 lbs. He was found on the streets in Georgia, as a stray. I'm sure the food, shelter, warmth and love we showered him with were a dream come true those first few weeks. Our quiet, shy, calm puppy quickly opened up to us and grew into his own.
Now, 3 years later, Quigley is 65 lbs of muscle and 100% love. He is obedient, wise, and incredibly loyal. He is a gentle giant and a total lovebug, he will shower you with kisses and cuddles whenever you want. Some dogs don't like to cuddle, they prefer their spot at our feet. Not Quigley, he is happiest when he is snuggled up on top of me on the couch. I always said I'd never let my dog on the couch, or the bed, but his snuggles are too good to pass up.
Quigley has always been protective of Brian and I, our house, etc. Before Madelyn arrived, I worried about how he would handle having a baby in the house. It was love at first sight though and he continues to be so good with her. She lights up when she spots him and I often catch him sleeping in her room, right next to her crib. I've talked about it before and I could probably take hundreds of pictures a day of my two babies interacting. It's so neat to watch them watch each other and I look forward to them growing up together :)
I often wonder if Madelyn will love dogs as much as her momma. Regardless, she already has two best friends, in Quigley and Sophie, her Aunties dog that she hangs with every day. What a lucky girl!
Quigs showing his love for his baby sister
hi Quigley!
I couldn't find Quigley one Saturday afternoon... until I peeked in Madelyn's room during her nap and he was curled up next to her
Madelyn and Sophie watching for squirrels