I'm not sure if you read this
post, but I shared how wonderful my 30's have been. At the time, I was pregnant, growing another little bundle, and I didn't even know it :)
Brian and I had an (almost) non-spoken understanding that we would have kids. How many, is up for debate but we both couldn't wait to be parents. Without giving you more detail than you care for, conceiving the first time around, took 9 months. It was a slightly stressful and very calculated process, before we had that positive pregnany test! So yes, when the question came up, the answer was "yes," we were definitely trying.
I know that all pregnancies are different, but I sort of expected getting pregnant to work the same for us, as last time. We knew we were ready to start trying for baby #2 by the summer. I was mentally prepared for keeping calendars, etc., and suddenly, voila - we had a positive pregnancy test!just.like.that :) I didnt even tell Brian I was taking a test, because I didn't think for a milli-second that I was pregnant. I had an extra test, and one morning, I took it. Suddenly, I was staring at the digital reading - PREGNANT. Huh? I proceeded to take 2 more tests a few days apart because I could barely believe it!
Our due date is March 27, 2014. This week, I am 17 weeks! Maybe, depending on how I'm feeling, I'll share some bump photos along the way :) I can't believe I have a little one growing in my belly again. Since the pregnancy was a bit of a surprise, in some ways I still can't believe that Madelyn will be a big sister. Getting pregnant and becoming a mom was the blessing of a lifetime, I can barely wrap my head around becoming a mom to another little one. My heart feels so full.
A baby is such a gift and we feel so blessed to be expecting again! Every pregnancy is different in it's own way, and for me so far, this experience has been different but just as amazing! I had just a few weeks of nausea and other than that, I've felt great so far. I even requested to go to the Dr. off schedule because I was feeling so normal, I wanted to make sure everything was OK. I have days where I am so tired, I just want to relax, and others (like today) where I have lots of energy and just want to go,go,go! My goal(s) are to gain less weight, keep exercising longer than I did last time, and have this little munchkin before week 41 without being induced. We'll see how I do :)
In just a few weeks, we'll find out what we're having, and we can't wait! When everyone is getting there little ones dressed and ready to trick or treat on Halloween (we'll be doing that too), we're making a quick visit to the hospital for our next ultrasound. Over the last month or so, I've decided it's a ________. I'm convinced, it has to be. If it's not, i'll be just as excited, obviously, I just pray for a healthy little baby. I'm just so convinced, that I'm extra curious to find out if I'm right!
Ok... think it's time to sign off. Now, I am getting tired... but first I might need to have a little ice cream! Just a little ;)