Total weight gain/loss: 17 lbs - I was doing so well, and then learned this morning I'd gained 3 lbs in 2 weeks, yikes!
Maternity clothes? Oh yes... and I'm starting to get sick of them!
Stretch marks? Uh huh...
Stretch marks? Uh huh...
Miss Anything? Although I look forward to a glass of wine, a turkey sandwich and coffee, right now, I'm missing moving around easily. Over the last week or so, I've completely slowed down. I feel like I've grown inches (and apparently lbs) and moving around in general is harder.
Movement: The baby on the other hand, doesn't seem to be having any trouble moving around. She's slowed down a little too but still moves quite a bit. Her head has been down for a few weeks, and shes nice and low. I swear sometimes it feels like she's trying to punch her way out :)
Food cravings: Nothing really... maybe ice cream, but what else is new ;)
Anything making you queasy or sick: no, thankfully
Have you started to show yet: ha, yes and now the waddle has started!
Baby is: A GIRL!
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: More 50/50 than I was last time... maybe it's the weather. I am SO ready for spring, and I think all this cold and snow is just making me more cranky than normal.
Looking forward to: Everything. We've made a lot of progress on the baby's room, so I'm excited to see that come together. I'm excited to get all the baby stuff out of the attic, wash her clothes, set up her swing, etc. I can't believe we're going to have another baby soon, and I can't wait to meet her and hold her!
Baby Update: At 32 weeks, the baby was measuring 5 lbs 4 oz! Ironically enough, it's the exact same size that Madelyn was measuring at that time. Madelyn was 8lbs 9 oz, so we'll see if they end up similar in size. When we go back in 2 weeks, we'll get another measurement and ultrasound - yay!