Tuesday, April 29, 2014

One Month Old!

Just like that, Anna is one month old already! Well, 5 weeks as of yesterday, to be exact :) There is nothing like this newborn age, it is so wonderful and fleeting, and I'm enjoying this special time so, so much.

Anna is a great baby.  She's similar to Madelyn in a few ways, and very different in others. Not that I want to get into the habit of comparing the girls, but in the beginning any way, it's hard not to.  Each day I feel differently about whether or not Anna looks like Madelyn did when she was a baby. Sometimes she looks so different, and other times I think they look like twins! The two big apperance differences I'm noticing so far, is I think Anna might have blue eyes, and she definitely has more hair! While uploading recent pictures of Anna, I looked back at old pictures of M, and side by side, I don't think they look that much alike, ha!

                        Madelyn - 1 month                                                           Anna - 1 month
Like Madelyn, Anna is a good eater and a good sleeper.  At her one month appointment, she weighed 10 lbs, 10 oz (90th percentile) and 21 3/4 inches long (75th percentile) Madelyn was 10 lbs 4 oz and 22 inches long... so, very similar growth so far! We seem to have big babies in our house :)

Brian has coined Anna the anti-Madelyn recently, for two reasons. She LOVES pacifiers and being swaddled, both of which M hated from the get-go. Since both are new to us, its facinating to watch Anna take to each and how quickly both soothe her! The other big thing I've noticed with Anna is her movement. Like she did in the womb, she moves all.the.time. In the middle of the night I woke up and glanced at the monitor and she was almost on her side, already! Often, it's gas-related but she wiggles and kicks around so much, I can already assume she'll be an early crawler/walker!

There are so many wonderful changes and developments in infants early on and I am excited to continue to get to know my precious baby girl.  Actually, she's stirring from her sleep now, I think it's time for tummy time!

Here are some pictures from the last week:


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Getting to know her...

It's hard to believe that on Monday, Anna will be 4 weeks old! Our first week was awesome, the 2nd and 3rd week were a little tough because I wasn't feeling great, but now I'm feeling much better and this week has been great too! It's been wonderful to settle in at home, watch Madelyn love on her baby sister and get to know Anna!

So far, (and knock on wood!!) Anna is an angel! She's eating well, sleeping well and growing like a weed. We go back to the doctor on Monday and I'm curious to hear about her growth. After just two weeks, she'd gained almost 2 lbs since we left the hospital (she lost over a pound before we were discharged) and she grew 1.5 inches! She only had a chance to wear newborn clothes in her first few days, and then it was right into 3 month outfits. She's even wearing some things that Madelyn wore when she was 3 months! It's so neat how they fill out quickly at the beginning. With her, it seems to have happened even faster than with Madelyn. Suddenly, her hands and feet are chunkier and she has another little roll on her thigh - love, love, love!

Anna is very mellow, observant and happy.  She seems pretty easy going and only really fuses if she's hungry or cold.  As long as she's fed and warm, she's content! That's my girl :) From the her first few moments, she had her eyes wide open.  When she's not snoozing away, she just hangs out and is fixated on things around her. Over the last few days she's started smiling regularly and her smiles make my heart melt. EVERYONE says she looks much like Brian and she does, but especially when she smiles, shes got the same dimples already!

I've been much better about taking pictures with my phone, than the camera these days, so here are photos of (mostly) Anna...



4 (super) fast weeks

I don't even know how it's possible, but in a few days, Anna will be 4 weeks old! I was so excited for 3 months at home with my babies. Three.whole.months of no work, no schedule, no rushing, just living, loving and enjoying time together. The fact that 4 weeks have passed is borderline depressing.  Not a day goes by that I don't think about my leave, and how much time I have left at home with my girls. Since we have a busy May/June, I'm sure my return to work will be here before I know it. I just pray it doesn't got that fast and I'm trying to soak up every (crazy) minute, of every day.

It pretty amazing how everything comes right back to you.  Everything from the wonderful baby smell, the cries, the feedings, baths, and blowout diapers to the very slow changes that you see over the first few weeks as the baby grows.  In a way, it feels like we just did this, and the early memories of Madelyn flood my mind every day.  Even though it's been 2 1/2 years, it feels like yesterday and I think we've fallen back into baby mode really smoothly! I suppose we should credit Anna for helping everything go so well :) More on her, next!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Welcoming Anna Christine

As promised, here are some pictures of our first few days with Anna! Anna joined the world kicking and screaming, literally, but she is such a sweetheart.  When Anna is awake, she is very alert, taking notice to voices and music; when she is asleep, she sleeps very soundly.

As the end of my pregnancy played out, we were so anxious for our sweet girl to arrive. However, nothing can prepare you for the overwhelming joy and love you feel when they are actually born.  I am loving this crazy, tired, blissful time as we settle in at home with our precious little girl. Thank you Anna for making me a momma yet again and for bringing us so much joy and happiness!