Life is not all rainbows and butterflies, I know that... it just cant be. Then you wouldn't appreciate the little things, and have perspective. In an attempt to always be real, I am sharing my current state. I don't even know what to classify it as, but I am bumming in a major way.
Currently - our house is on the market, we've had over 20 showings, 3 or 4 repeat visits and another 20+ people who have come by on our weekly open houses. So far, no bites and this whole - keep the house clean every day like you don't live there, is FOR THE BIRDS. To think that my parents did this for 18 MONTHS with 3 small kids, is incomprehensible to me. God Bless my mom, because we're 3 weeks in, and I'm so over it. So, pretty sure we aren't moving, and its time to plan our next project for This Old House.
Madelyn starts Kindergarten in 2 weeks, and I'm in complete denial. I have a backpack and her school supplies and sometime soon we'll take her shopping for some new shoes and clothes. We got her bus assignment yesterday and teachers assignments come next week. I'm acting like I am so excited around her, but inside all of the emotions are seriously overwhelming/exhausting me.
Now for the best part... I was SO looking forward to celebrating the big 3-5 on Martha's Vineyard this weekend with family. I don't have any vacation time left, so the plan was for it to be a long weekend for me and Anna (Thursday through Sunday, but I was going to maybe call out Monday :) and then Brian and M would stay up Wed - Wed. The weather looked great, and this time of year is so nice out there - it was shaping up to be a great long weekend and all I'd want for my birthday.
Rewind to last Thursday night. Anna has been a bear lately at bedtime. Some sort of regression where she cries until we rock her and fights going down, delaying bedtime easily by 1.5 hours. Then every other night or so, she was waking in the middle of the night, needing the same comforting sometimes for 3 HOURS. So, we've been tired :) FINALLY - Thursday night, she went to bed with ease, just like she used to. At 7:45 I grabbed my bag, to run a quick errand in town looking for small potted plants as end of the summer gifts for Madelyn's teacher. I went back and forth a few times on my way out - do I go to Home Depot, or grocery store... ultimately, I picked our small and (very unpopular) grocery in town.
Within minutes of getting inside and grabbing my flowers, I slipped and completely wiped out, falling into a wall. I was crippled, and paralyzed on my left side, and thought I broke my hip because I fell into a split (which I haven't attempted in 15 years!). Until I reached up my left arm and could feel my shoulder near my elbow. I knew right away it was dislocated. The manager was no where to be found, and some random (rockstar) young girl walked in right behind me and took over. She stayed with me, directed people to the side door, called 911 and explained everything. I texted Brian, and my mom came to our house, so that he could meet me at the hospital. They got me in the ambulance (my first time) and one of the EMT's was training and I swear it was his first day. He couldn't figure out how to take my blood pressure, and then dropped an ice pack on my bad shoulder.... no, I'm not making it up. The pain by the time I had gotten to the ER, and the shock had worn off a little was comparable to contractions. It was brutal, not to mention, I couldn't move my left side which was freaky in itself.

X-rays determined it was dislocated and they gave me some wonder drug so that they could pop it back in place. We were there about 2 hours total. I left with a sling, which I need to wear for 3 weeks and a script for percocet, and a note for 2+ days off of work. Maybe I should have filled the script just to have it for fun :)
So, here we are... 3-5 is just 3 days away and our plans have been turned upside down. I can't drive alone and can't bring Anna back with me. So Brian changed his plans and we're all going up together tomorrow, and I'll come home solo on Sunday. I'll be without Bri and the girls for 4 full days - ahhhh. At first I suppose it sounds like a vacation in itself, but when you are down and out, all you want is to be with your faves. So much for my cute outfit I was going to wear out on Saturday, I can barely get dressed as it is. I might just live in my beach cover up while we're there. I cant sleep, can barely shower, can't do my hair, can't hold my kids, or give them baths. I hate not being able to do things around the house, and being taken care of. Not to mention we've had more showings and two more open houses to prep for this weekend. Ugh, just ugh. It could be worse, a lot worse, so for that I am grateful. My mom told me, I need to just deal... and she's right. But I'm not quite there yet. Maybe this "vacation" will help me let go a little. So far, it looks like 3-5 might be off to an interesting start!
Good vibes to you and yours - Happy Hump Day! XO