Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Woah Nelly, check out that belly!

It's hard to believe we're already at the half-way point of our pregnancy! Many of you may know we went back and forth many times discussing whether to find out the sex of the baby or keep it a surprise. Ultimately, we agreed just days before "the" appointment that we wanted to know. My mom joined us at the appointment which was really neat as she was overwhelmed and amazed at today's technology and being able to "meet" her grandbaby. At the end of a fun and exciting 1 hour + ultrasound appointment they told finally shared.... "It's a Girl" and the next few minutes were a blur. Brian grabbed my arm and I think said something like "oh.... my.....God" I burst into tears feeling very connected at that moment with our little girl and my mom... she could hardly speak. The first thing I muttered when I could catch my breath was - Mom, you were right. Aren't mom's always right, anyway? :) Well, to our credit Brian and I had guessed girl too! It was a very special moment and a very exciting day! We're looking forward to the coming weeks as Baby GG (Girl Gerges as we're calling her) grows even more and starts to kick so her Daddy can feel her!

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