Thursday, August 23, 2012


How often do you feel yourself rushing? Rushing to work, rushing to daycare to pick up your little one, rushing home at the end of the day to squeeze in a bath before dinner and bedtime. Whatever it is, I often find myself racing the clock or feeling rushed as I go from one place to another. Yesterday, I was feeling it big time. It was a long day and I just couldn't wait to get home for some time with M.

I got tied up at work so I got a late start and I had to stop at Walmart on my way to pick up formula. I felt like I was making good time, as I hurried to and from but then I got in the car, leaving Walmart and it was already 5pm. I like to leave my parents by 5pm or so, so that we get home by 6:15pm and my dinner routine with M isn't rushed before she crashes by 6:30pm/7pm. Ugh.

I texted my sister (while driving no less) to let her know I was running late... this is how our convo went:

Me: How come when you are in a rush, you always end up behind the slowest driver of all time? Oy
Sara: Always the case! I like to think of it as God's way of saying - no need to rush :) Because no matter where you are trying to go, it's okay if you are late!
Me: :) (insert big sigh)

She did it again... My sister, Sara, is wise beyond her 24 years, always has been. Her quick, wise response jolted the anxiety right out of me. Yes Sara, I thought to myself, you are totally right. This was a stop-and-smell-the-roses moment for me. As I walked in their house, I let out a sigh and smiled to myself... it's all good! Do yourself a favor and don't get so worked up if you are in a rush... chances are, no matter where you are trying to go, it's okay if you are late! :)

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