I started thinking about all of this, this afternoon. While eavesdropping on two co-workers conversation, my thoughts quickly drifted off. One of my co-workers, who is a curious -27, was on one of her daily tangents with random quesitons. She was asking a woman on our team, who is 55, what her favorite decade was - 20's, 30's, 40's? I didn't listen to her answer, because my thoughts went right to a baby picture of Madelyn on my desk. Granted my 30's are just barely underway, but so far
this is definitely my favorite decade.
My 20's were all about discovery. Most importantly, I was forced outside of my comfort zone, into a new environment and I started to become my own person. Most who know me, know my college days, were not your typical college days. They weren't fun. So, on to bigger and better and the first few years following college, were all about F-U-N, FUN! I essentially did whatever I wanted, when I wanted, and I really enjoyed my independence. In a nutshell, my 20's were all about me, and having fun. I loved my 20's and I'm so happy I had all of the opportunities I did, that allowed me to make some awesome memories!
I kicked off my 30th year, pregnant. I was looking ahead at the end of the pregnancy and thinking, this is it... just a few more months of being so carefree, spontaneous and selfish. I wont lie, I was nervous. I mean, there was a point in my early 20's where I swore I'd (maybe get married and) live on a farm with lots of dogs! So, I knew a lot was going to change. But as I peer down my 32nd birthday next month, I can't be more excited and thankful for where I am, right now. Yes, I know it's still early, but I guess since having Madelyn so closely coincides with turning 30, the impact of this new decade is strong!
So far, my 30's have taught me about perspective and made me not take myself, too seriously. So far, my 30's have been filled with JOY. Plain and simple, pure and real, lots and lots of joy. I was lucky to have a great 1st pregnancy, a great 1st birth experience and an easy-going baby in Madelyn. I have to give myself a little credit though, because (even I can't believe) the natural born stress-er in me, took it all in stride. I was calm and rolled with the punches, and I like to think, I still am. I don't know what I'm doing, but I also don't read anything, not one thing about what we should be doing, or not doing. In our house, we simply live. Maybe that's why almost each and every day I'm awe-struck with joy. I really am one of those women who wishes there house was cleaner, life maybe a little more organized, etc, but I'm too busy living! I linger on Madelyn's laugh with a thread, I cherish when she tells me she loves me and gives me kisses, I beam when she asks me for cuddles before bed, and right now I'm crying because just thinking about all of this makes my heart so full.
Becoming and being a mom, is the best.thing.ever. Hopefully down the road we'll be lucky enough to expand our family, but I don't want to think ahead or plan too much.... then I wont be cherishing the joy of right now!
Hope you all are well ~ XO