Monday, July 1, 2013

Oh Mmmm Geee - 20 months!!

Numerous times every month, over the last 20 months, I have thought - this is the best, and it can't get any better, but really, I mean it! While M has gotten a jump start on her "terrible 2's" and tantrums are a plenty, I am loving this age :)

Brian calls me a smother-mother, and quite honestly, he's right. I could hug and kiss Madelyn, and I try. She's not shy though, so when she's had enough, she gives me a stiff-hand to the face :)  I just can't help it, I love her to pieces! I love her laugh, I love her expressions, I love how she says Mommy and Daddy, I love her spunky personality, and I even love when she throws a tantrum, trying to exert her independence.

In familiar settings, Madelyn is not shy. She loves to have fun, learn new things and play, play, play!  She does really well playing on her own, and exploring but she also loves company. She knows her friends by name, ones that she sees often, and others she many not see as frequently, she really loves her friends! In new surroundings with new people, Miss M is definitely shy.  I haven't gotten the full report about Brian as a child, but my mom tells me, that's just how I was.

Madelyn is in constant motion.  I guess I sort of expected it with this age, and sure she has her moments where she'll sit and hang (for like 30 seconds) but otherwise, we are on the GO! M LOVES being outside and playing in the water - ocean, pool, bath, you name it, she's a water bug. It'll be a fun summer outside for all of us, trying to keep up with her!

Here are some recent pictures of our little girl, looking so much older.  Another month, and lots more changes, we love you so much, pretty girl!!

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