Sunday, August 17, 2014


No one can prepare you for how much your life will change when you become a mom.  There are all the changes you anticipate, but also, so many wonderful changes you don't expect. It's been such an incredible experience and for me, I've experienced more growth and change with #2. My aunt said to my mom when they were young mothers, "you don't know what it's like to have kids, until you have two." In so many ways, now, I understand.

I was very nervously excited before Madelyn, and once she was born, I was overcome with emotion. I was proud, excited, overjoyed and so full of love. A midst all the emotion of it though, the actual changes happened subtly. For all the nerves you have going into parenthood, we welcomed Madelyn and family life, pretty easily. In a way, it was like not that much changed. As a baby, we toted her around, quickly set up a routine, and still had time for us, whether it was alone or together. In a way, Madelyn fit right into our life, without our life changing, that much.

As we got ready for baby #2, I had some nerves but I felt like we were ready, and didn't need to prep much. I figured it would all come back to us... which it did. What I didn't expect, was just how much life, and I, personally, would change with #2. Now, I know just what my aunt was talking about... she was totally right, you don't really know until you have two!

The joy and love I felt when I held M for the first time, was exponentially greater when I held Anna. It was so overwhelming.  It was the same feeling all over again, but accompanying it was the profound understanding of what welcoming that baby actually means. Doubly blessed, and doubly grateful for two beautiful babies. Two little ones to tug at your pant leg, two little ones to call you mommy, two little ones to need to be rocked to sleep, two little ones to take care of and to love. I love nothing more than being needed by them.  My girls will have my whole heart for their whole loves.

This time, welcoming Anna and watching her grow, I feel like I am a mom. Not that I wasn't the first time around, but then, I was a new mom. Now, I'm fully in mommy mode, in every moment of my day. In addition, I'm more in tune to everything, and I have a greater understanding and appreciation of mommy-hood. There is a lot to learn and with growing girls there will definitely be many hormones flying in our house, but I feel like I get it. I am 100% mom.

Anna will no doubt be an early walker and talker, as she moves non stop and is incredibly vocal. I've just loved watching these traits in her. She also started turning over before 4 months, which in our house, is early. These little developments and changes in her, have been huge milestones to me.  I guess it's because I have a much better understanding of what's to come, or maybe that I'm pretty certain our family won't be growing any more. I'm hanging to each and every little milestone so tightly because I recognize how fast it goes and how special everything is.

Both girls have been sick and not sleeping great lately.  Our normally quiet nights, have been anything but normal and quiet. I've been up at least 2 -3 times a night, often for 30 mins to an hour, to check on them or help settle them. One of the not so glamorous parts of parenthood, but I wouldn't change a thing. I'm ridiculously exhausted, but I welcome it and love doting on my babes.  For the girl who LOVES sleep, I sometimes surprise myself at how easily my body adjusts to such wacky night's of sleep. I'll get a good nights sleep eventually :)

Last weekend, we had Anna baptized and had a small celebration with family and friends.  It was such a special day, and I was surprisingly emotional. I wasn't sure why then, but I've been thinking about it a lot since. I think I was feeling overwhelmingly excited about the special milestone for Anna, and the love I have for my little family. We had a picture taken that day, that I can't stop looking at. It makes me happy and my heart really, is so full.

Mommyhood is a wonderfully exciting, blessed and crazy challenge but it's the best job in the world. Being a mommy x 2 is even more amazing :) I love my little family more than they'll ever know!

Hope you are having a great weekend with your families!


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