Thankfully, going paci-free was an absolute breeze. We didn't have any issues, and Anna barely flinched. At her 18 mo appointment, our doctor suggested stopping the use of the paci asap. The longer she has it, the harder it'll be to detach from. He suggested cutting them, hiding them, etc. I was a little worried, because you hear all sorts of stories of the scheming and drama surrounding separating from pacifiers and loveys. However, when we got home and it was time for her to nap, I just didn't give it to her.... and she fell asleep. Same thing at night... so that was that. She never even asked for it, even in the days or nights to follow. I was shocked to be honest, and obviously thankful that it was so easy. I waited a week or so, and just yesterday I threw out all of the ones we had in the house!
The first time Anna used the potty successfully was with my mom. She's been grabbing at her diaper and saying "pee-pee" for a month or two. I sort of dismissed the fact that she could possibly be ready to start the process so early. My mom is wonderful about being aware of all milestones, and assisting as she can. So, sure enough, she's been helping Anna recognize before she actually has to go, and they've been able to makes it in time. Then, one night when Brian had just walked in the door from work, she said "poopy" and he promptly picked her up and brought her in the bathroom... sure enough - success there too. Not surprising that A has not gone with me yet. I am not so quick to act when she verbalizes it, probably because I'm just not ready yet. Is that bad? My baby can't be done with diapers soon too! Ahhhh!
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