It's Thursday, which is normally my favorite day of the week, but it's been feeling like the end of the week, since Tuesday. Longest.week.ever. To be honest, I can't quite remember a time that I've been so tired. For much of the last 4 weeks, the Gergi have been sick in some way shape or form, so exhaustion has set in. Brian has somehow managed to avoid the germs per usual, but not moa! I suppose I shouldn't complain, because we had a great fall and holiday season, completely avoiding any illnesses around us, but these last few weeks have been a challenge.
It started right before Christmas when M had a fever virus and on Christmas Eve I got a bad cold. Then it sort of snowballed - Anna got pink eye and a double ear infection, Madelyn got pink eye, I got pink eye, my cold got significantly worse, then I had a small stomach bug, and Anna started a 2nd round of treatment for an ear infection and pink eye, my mom got pink eye and the bug - and now Anna has a fever virus. Oh - my - goodness! There have been little breaks in between and Anna especially has been on meds for the last 3 weeks, so fingers crossed, we're almost in the clear. We've been to the doctor more times than I can count, not to mention all the co-pays. Obviously, I'm thankful its nothing serious, but its tiring nonetheless. The disrupted sleep, and the constant worry about your kids - how they are feeling, trying to make them comfortable, timing medicine doses, and making sure they are drinking enough, etc - it's exhausting.
Thankfully Madelyn has sort of toughed it out, and she's hanging in there now. Hope we can keep her healthy in the coming week, then we'll be in the clear. However, she been waking once or twice every night needing to be put back to bed. Anna is usually up crying once or twice too - sometimes they wake each other, and all three of us are up for a mid-night party. Like last night :) We've been spoiled with great sleepers in the girls since early on, so these off nights just really mess up my game. There isn't enough coffee in the world to help me through the fog at this point.
Not to mention, we (finally) got our new bed, and while we are completely obsessed and feel its helped us sleep better already, it's sort of hard to tell because I haven't slept through the night in a month! Momma mia! I'm secretly hoping for a big snow storm this weekend, so we can all just hang. Maybe sleep in? (yeah right!), take a nap? (no chance) and get the R&R we need to be healthy in the coming weeks! I hate to wish time away, but the way 2016 has started for us, I'm looking forward to February already!
If all else fails, we're headed to Florida a week from tomorrow. So the vitamin D, warm weather and swimming will hopefully heal us, and get us back on our feet! While I'm thinking of it though, how many weeks until Spring? :)
Hope you and yours, are well! XO
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