Tuesday, November 15, 2016

~ h o m e ~

Now that we've moved, and been living in our house for 2 weeks, I have to admit that I had some doubts about this house. I don't like the "forever" label, because we know I like houses too much and it's just too hard to say right now, if we'll be here forever. The house needs a lot of work, but also has a lot of potential. It may not have the most ideal floor plan, but it's one that we were drawn too. It does have a lot of space, a great private yard, a pretty neighborhood and the whole house is light and bright. It just sort of feels, happy. As much as I pushed for a move, and for this house, as it was happening, I was nervous. Is this the right time? Should we really buy this house? Is this a good fit for us? etc, etc, etc. Its only been a short time, but for some reason, the transition has been almost seamless. We've decorated a little, entertained a bit, changed out every light fixture, and painted the exterior. A few things that make a difference in making a house feel like your home. So far, soooooooooooo good in our new home-sweet-home. I'm almost embarrassed that I ever doubted it. 

Right after we moved in, was Halloween and then Madelyn's 5th birthday. At the same time, Anna came down with a double ear infection, which hasn't gone away, and now pink eye. Madelyn and I have a bad cold, that I cant shake, and even the dog has been sick and back and forth the vet a few times. So, our days are busy, and we've all been sleeping so-so, so I'm especially looking forward to this weekend, and the holidays next week. Lots of QT with my faves, and time to relax and enjoy it all. 

Here's a little before and after of our exterior :) We debated this project being the first, but we are thrilled with how it came out! Lots more to come of inside-updates as they are done. 

Happy, happy! xoxo



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