This is the best I can do for a post... just feels like there has been lots going on in the Gerges house lately. Like I mentioned, we spent Friday night with Bruce, which was awesome! Seriously, he's the best! Then much of the rest of the weekend was just us, at home and it was perfect. I even slept for 11 hours on Saturday night - yup, you read that right 11 hours :) I went to bed at 10pm and woke up at 9:15am. The hubs and I have continued our routine that we started when M was a newborn of taking turns on weekend mornings to let the other sleep a little more (I get Saturdays and he takes Sundays). I rarely fall back to sleep once I hear the little munchkin making noise, but I must have needed the zzZzz's because I cozied right back up in bed and kept sleeping!
Anyway - our weekend was all about lots of smiles and fun with our sweet pea, cozy family time and we even mixed in some (spontaneous) productivity - weeding and cleaning up our yard! I love this time of year and all that it brings!
Hope you had a great weekend too! (I wrote this on Monday and am just getting around to posting it)
Pre-concert hanging with Miss M
Quigley spent much of the weekend curled up on his bed.
All the playing with his cousin tired him out!
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