Friday, September 21, 2012


I don't know about you but I am ready to kiss this week goodbye! I am so happy it's Friday and we're kicking off our weekend with a night at Giants Stadium, with this guy:

I've talked about our love for Springsteen before, here and here. We bought the tickets a few months ago, floor seats no less, and we've been counting down the weeks. Until, this week sort of unraveled and we toyed with selling our tickets.

The whole gang spent the night at my parents house last night, it was a big old sleepover. Sidenote: my family is the best! Anyway, we wanted to make sure we let the house air out and stayed off the carpets for 1 more day. So, although we'll stay there again tonight and we're living out of a suitcase, we decided we HAD to go to the show.  Its the perfect remedy for a crazy week.

If you never been to a Springsteen show or listened to his music, I strongly encourage you to. He's a talented songwriter, some of his bests songs being the ones that aren't his most popular. On stage, he NEVER stops moving for 3+ hours. He's got more energy than a toddler on a sugar high and its immediately infectious.

So that's how we're kicking off our weekend. The rest of the weekend we'll be on the lookout for fleas, doing more cleaning and bringing in fall! Hope you have a great weekend!

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