So, the cat is out of the bag, the secret is not a secret anymore. I gave my notice at my job and my last day is next week. I am starting a brand new job in about 10 days. O. M. G. I honestly wasn't sure this would happen and parts of me still can't believe it! This job, has been SO much more than that to me and now that I'm getting ready to leave, I have been reflecting a lot on my time here.
About 9 years ago, my boyfriend of 4 years dumped me. Completely out the blue with no warning, he wanted out. I was crushed. It was a blessing in disguise because the relationship just wasn't right. So there I was, a blah job, newly single and living by myself. I had lost myself in my old relationship, so I didn't even know who I was anymore, or what I wanted. It wasn't necessarily a dark time in my life, but definitely a transitional time.
A few months later, I got a call out of the blue from a headhunter that I had worked for off and on through high school and college. This time, they had a job for me. For me though? I had a job... They insisted I go interview because they knew I would LOVE the company - vineyard vines. My dad wore there ties, so I was vaguely familiar with their story and eventually I agreed. An interview was good practice, it couldn't hurt. What I didn't expect was a great conversation with Shep and Ian and a job offer at the end of my hour long interview. I can honestly remember thinking, this came up out of the blue, for a reason. I don't know what the reason is, but I have to take this job. So, the next day, I quit my job and agreed to start at VV.
This job was just what I needed, at the perfect time in my life. This job has been SO much more to me than just a job. Within weeks, I had new friends, more of a social life, I was having more fun, enjoying life again because I was me again. That in itself was huge for me as a person. Then add in that I worked hard and I learned so much about what I am capable of and what I enjoy doing. It almost goes without saying that this job literally gave me my life in that I met Brain and now we have started a family.
So, as I look at the end of my time at VV, it sort of feels like the end of an era! I will always hold my time here, very dear to my heart. The people, the experiences and the skills, I am so grateful for this experience! While I am very excited about my new opportunity, it's just hard not to be a little sentimental as my last day here gets a little closer.
As I was walking around the office the other day, an old favorite Tom Petty song popped into my head. I sort of chuckled to myself after I started humming it.... ah ha! This is true....
"time to move on, time to get going, what lies ahead I have no way of knowing... but under my feet babe, grass is growing. Time to move on, time to get going..."
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