As I've mentioned, the last month or so has been a little crazy. A little more on that later this week. Since the weeks have been busy and a bit chaotic, we've unintentionally kept the weekends relatively low key. We've had the chance to get together with friends and catch up, and it's been so much fun! It's great to get together with friends, and their little ones and watch them interact! Here are some pictures from our playdates, fun for both the little ones and the grown ups :) I really look forward to more times together like this in the future as our families grow!
Madelyn and Sam sharing bedtime stories
She always puts her hands on him... so cute!
Miss M and Addy hanging out!
Anthony and Jackson sharing toys
And catching up over drinks and snacks :)
What a cutie!

Honoring the cute momma-to-be at her surprise shower!
We can't wait to meet Hannah!!!!
NCHS class of 1999!
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