Friday, May 20, 2016

This Old House... strikes again!

Lately, I have had a very love-hate relationship with our house. So many things I adore about it, and some things that have me looking at daily. At the end of last summer and our long list of updates we were hopeful we were done with the must-do updates for a while. Some landscaping this year and maybe some new paint here and there. Then we had a pipe burst and ruin our brand new vanity in our guest bathroom which all need repairing and over the fall our hot water heater went, and we needed a new one. Leaving the only things in the house that we haven't touched - the furnace, central air, and kitchen.

Just yesterday, we booked a trip to Boston over our anniversary weekend in June, with the kids. I love Boston, and have nagging Brian to go for a few years to take a mini trip with the girls. We found a great hotel, will hit up the Children's Museum, the Aquarium and have a fun little trip away with the kiddos. I am SO excited. Today, I met an HVAC guy at our house to evaluate our A/C which hadn't been cooling the house as expected, and he gave the dreaded report, that its toast. He sort of played with it so it will work in the time being, but the wires are corroded and not held together well. He said "use it at your own risk." Lovely. Brian plans on using it until it blows up I think... so hopefully I can twist her arm not to wait so long. We'll still go to Boston as planned, but oh-so-quickly it's like the wind is out of our sails. Just when you feel like you are ahead a little bit. Momma mia.

I swear to God, I'm tempted to replace the a/c and put our house on the market next week. It has literally sucked as dry, which I guess they always do, but we've debated if this house is "forever" for a while, and right now this is not helping the situation! Its like a relationship, you put so much into it, and if you don't really feel like you are getting that much out, you probably should walk away. Maybe I'm giving up too easily, and at this point, just about everything in the house will be new. But right now, the house and I are in a fight.

TGIF to the max. Time for a big ol' glass of rose, and fun with family and friends. Have yourself a very nice weekend! XO

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