Saturday, March 29, 2014

Anna Christine Gerges is here!

We are so, very, excited to share that our baby girl is here! Anna Christine Gerges was born on Monday, March 24th at 5:52pm. She weighed 8lbs 11 oz and was 19.5 inches tall. We've been home for a few days now and we are really enjoying settling in at home as a family of 5 (can't forget the Q man!)

Our due date was March 27th 2014. At some point early in the 2nd trimester, we noticed that next to the EDD (3/27) there was another date listed (maybe based on the size?) and it always read March 24th. As we got closer to the due date, I wondered if that date, 3/24 actually had any significance. I have to say, I don't think you can know that labor is coming on because it just happens, BUT I had sort of thought Monday might actually be the day as we went into that weekend before.

The weekend before was perfect. It was relaxing, productive and fun. We went for a nice long walk together on Saturday. Enjoyed some time outside because it was so nice out, and really just lounged. Sunday night we went to my parents house as we always do, and I didn't feel great after dinner. I was uncomfortable and had crazy indigestion. Both of those symptoms though are fairly common in the final weeks/month :) I went to bed feeling OK and looking forward to the fact that no matter what happened, Monday was my first day of leave and I didn't have to go to work :)

Monday morning the alarm went off and we snoozed 2x like we always do. I actually fell to sleep in between each. Then right before the alarm went off again, around 7:10am, I sort of woke up on my own. I was laying there, barely awake, looked at the monitor to see Madelyn and I remember thinking, well today, I don't have to jump up and get going... that's a treat. Then poof, as that thought finished crossing through my mind, my water broke. At first I wasn't sure, it started sort of slow... but when it didn't stop, I knew. I pretty casually tapped Brian on the shoulder and out of his sleep - "hey Bri, my water just broke." He was out of bed in a millisecond - "really?! Ok! it's go time, babe!" I think were some of the things he said before he jumped in the shower. I called my mom first, so she could hurry over for M and Q, and then the Dr. I had been so curious all along what it would be like to have a natural labor experience, and was sort of hoping for just this. Only 10% of women's waters break, so I wasn't holding my breath for that to happen, but I was hoping not to be induced so I could experience everything doing what it should by itself. So while I was sort of in shock, and barely even awake, I kept thinking - its actually happening on it's own!

I took the fastest shower ever, gave M and Q kisses, amongst tears, and we were off! We were at the hospital within the hour. Then we just hung out for what seemed like a few hours. I hadn't really dilated much passed what I had been for the last week - 2cms, and I wasn't having any contractions. They decided to start pitocin to help things along and around 10:30am I started having contractions, real, serious contractions.  The first time around, I had back labor so before the contractions got bad and I had an epidural, I'd had so much pain medication I was feeling no pain. Unfortunately, looking back, I was barely feeling anything and I was in such a fog, that the birth was even a bit hazy. This time around, I felt everything and was aware of every little thing. Making for a totally different experience. I had the epidural around noon, and then rested for a few hours, as they upped the pitocin and my body did it's thing. Around 5pm, I started to feel an increase in pressure, and they called the doctor on call in, and she checked me - 10 cms, it was go time!

They called my doctor at the office, and while he got ready to come over, he wanted me to start pushing. I told the nurse, I was afraid that if I pushed, she'd be born. She sort of doubted me, and said that my doctor wanted me to try anyway, so we were going to try one push. As I pushed, she cut me short and said "ok, ok, stop. We're going to wait because you are right. The baby is right there, ready to come out" That was definitely reassuring because at that point, my biggest fear was getting her down quickly and out smoothly, asap! While we were waiting for the doctor, my Dad arrived at the hospital around 5:30pm, just in time to take over watching Madelyn in the waiting room, to allow for Sara to join my mom in the delivery room with us! It all came together, literally in like 10 minutes. My doctor walked in around 5:30pm and asked if he had time to change, and he reappeared like 5 minutes later. In the next 20 minutes, I pushed maybe 3 times, and Anna was born at 5:52pm!

Every pregnancy, every birth and every child is different.  While my 2nd pregnancy was fairly similar to my first, the birth was totally different.  This time my water broke, there were less drugs, fewer people in the room for a more intimate experience and less pushing for a quick birth! I'm so happy to have had both experiences, and in each situation a healthy baby placed on my chest right after!

Just like that, our family expanded and we have this new incredible person to welcome into our family.  This new little person to care for, watch over and love on, and so far, it's been a dream! Madelyn LOVES her baby sister and is constantly looking for her, giving her her paci, and covering her in blankets. It's the most incredible thing to watch her be a big sister and dote on her little sis.

I don't have pictures on our camera, as we got our camera and Sara's confused in the delivery room. When I get some photos, we'll share :) Thanks for checking in on us, and I'll be sure to keep you posted on all, as we continue to settle in at home!


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Pregnancy Update - 38 weeks!

How far along? 38.5 weeks! 

Total weight gain/loss: 20 lbs

Maternity clothes? Ha, yes :) Over the last week, everything has started to feel a little tighter. Shirts, pants, shoes, you name it! The only things I'm comfortable in are my pj's and leggings!

Stretch marks? Uh huh...

Miss Anything? I was going to list everything, but I'll spare you ;) Yes, the usual

Movement: The baby has definitely slowed down in her movements. When she moves, it's fierce, but I think she's definitely running out of room and getting ready, because her movements aren't as constant.

Food cravings: Nothing really... maybe ice cream, but what else is new ;)

Anything making you queasy or sick: no, but I think I'm in the very early stages of labor, so nausea comes and goes daily 

Have you started to show yet:  yes.... as a random man told me in Wal-Mart last week - "you look like you are going to explode"

Baby is: A GIRL!

Belly Button in or out? In. 

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Sadly, I'm more moody than anything these days. I hate to say it but my body feels like it's pms-ing and my mood is following in stride.

Looking forward to: (hopefully) a smooth delivery and welcoming a healthy baby girl into the world. Now that we are so close, all I can think about is this new baby in our lives. I can't wait to hold her, I can't wait for her smell, I can't wait for Madelyn to meet her, I can't wait to see what she looks like and I can't wait to bring her home!

Baby Update: At 36 weeks the doctor had some interesting updates for us on our baby girl.  Baby G was measuring around 7lbs 6 oz, which is on the larger size, and just like Madelyn at that stage. Our doctor also pointed out that our baby girl is going to be tall, very, very tall. More than the 97th percentile. His exact words were "I'm not sure what the opposite of dwarfism is, but I think we're looking at it" I mean... oh my gosh! Unlike Madelyn though, this baby's head and stomach are both measuring big! 

At 38 weeks, I started to have some contractions, and I've started to dilate which is exciting. I never had any of this early labor signs with Madelyn, so it's neat to think that things might go the course all on their own without being induced this time! Our doctor even said she might come early but I don't want to get my hopes up. Her due date is 11 days away... the longer she drags this out, the more scared I'll be for labor, because she's just getting bigger and bigger in there!  I thought it would be really neat to have a St. Patty's Day Baby, but I don't want to rush things too much, she'll come when she's ready!


The mood I am in right now, is done.  Done with winter and wearing my uggs and heavy parka, and the air being cold enough to take your breath away. I know I'm not the only one that feels this way, and I know Spring is close, just wanted to vent a little :) I'm also done with this pregnancy, enough said... I just can't wait to have our baby join the world. On a different note, we're done, with all the house projects and updates I've wanted to tackle! That feels SO good and puts a big ol' smile on my face :) 

We've had another productive weekend - at least the third or fourth in a row and I am feeling so good about all the little things we've done. We (finally) bought blinds for the girls' rooms and our living room, and having them up has made our house feel more like a home, almost instantly.  It's one of those little updates where I'm wondering why on earth we waited so long to do it! Nesting, gotta love it :) We also bought a new toilet for our master bathroom and had it installed this weekend. Very, very exciting stuff. We found out while doing the switch, there's a good chance the old toilet was the original, making it 40 years old. That's just insane, and ewwww. So, especially now at this stage in my pregnancy with the multiple nighttime trips to the bathroom, it is nice to have a pretty new toilet in our bathroom. Amen! Lastly, this weekend we finished getting the nursery all ready, and I hung the final few things in Madelyn's room. Everything on my to do list is D-O-N-E and as I look around the house, I'm so happy with it all! I also cleaned the house from top to bottom yesterday, and that always feels good. Wish is stayed like this a little longer than it does! Just in case the baby comes soon, we are fully ready for her and any visitors who might want to come by ;)

I really can't complain about this pregnancy. I actually feel guilty feeling done. I guess its sort of inevitable though. It's a mix between excitement to have my body back and being able to meet our little one, and I cannot wait for both! Officially our due date is 11 days away. So, the end is in sight and I'm just trying to stay positive. I think I can, I think I can :) In the meantime, I am cherishing all the special little moments with Madelyn as our one and only. 

Here are a few pictures of the house updates we've made recently, and the finished nursery:

Living Room blinds

Madelyn's big girl room completed

The Nursery!
We're missing a few things on the walls which we'll add when she arrives. We are also waiting on a newly painted side table for more storage between the two side windows. Essentially though, we're done ;)       We love the room and how it all came together! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

phone photo dump

We've had a very busy few weeks. Not really with social plans necessarily, although we have squeezed in great times with friends, it feels like our free time has 100% been about nesting and getting ready for the baby! The list of things we have accomplished in the last 3 weeks is too long to share, we've been that productive.  I wish I was this productive all the time, and it wasn't just a third-trimester thing :) Anyway, when we've not been painting, hanging blinds, cleaning, and organzing, we've been shopping for some stuff, and having fun! I haven't been good about blogging, writing in my journal, or taking real pictures but since my phone is usually not far from me, I have these to share for an update ~

Playing with princess crowns on Valentine's Day
A trip to the Children's Museum with Sam! Madelyn had SO much fun with her buddy!

Pre-bedtime snuggles with my sweet girl!
Playing a game on "her" Ipad :)

Don't know about you, but we are very excited for spring! Madelyn couldn't wait to show me this dress that she and Mimi picked out. Her little sister will have a matching one too :)
A surprise shower that my coworkers had for me last week!
Such a sweet gesture, and so many wonderful gifts!
37 weeks! Full term, and feeling it ;) I think she dropped a little too, maybe she'll come early after all?!
I don't really have a before picture, so this might not look like much but over the weekend I bought a chest/table from craigslist that we've put behind our couch. I'd been looking online for weeks, maybe months for the perfect piece to go behind our couch to store/hide all the toys.  I ironically, I originally responded to the craigslist ad for dining room chairs. While I was looking at the chairs though, I spotted this table that the owner was also selling.  Not only is it the perfect size, the perfect color, AND there are doors on it to hide ALL of the toys, but it was $100 - done deal - I LOVE IT!