Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Gergi Year in Review - 2016

Oh.... 2016. I'm sort of overwhelmed reflecting back on this year. It was a pretty good year but to be honest, I am definitely looking forward to a fresh new start in 2017. If I recall, we started 2016 off with lots of colds and ear infections and trips to the doctors office. Pretty standard for the winter time when you have little kids. It just so happens, we've closed out 2016 in the same fashion - with the stomach bug, ear infections, fever viruses and the like. Seems we've gotten an early start on our winter round of sickness, and I'm praying for a healthy start to 2017. We all need to catch up on sleep and recharge our batteries because we've been totally out of whack essentially since we moved at the end of October!

This year to me, was all about challenges and growth. Many ups and downs, all crammed in together. I had two deaths in my family in the spring, both were a surprise and really difficult to navigate through.  I feel like even though you find ways to cope in the present, the emotions seem to linger long after the passing. So it was a trying time for sure. Shortly thereafter, my sister got engaged! Bringing the term - emotional roller coaster - into full effect! It was a very exciting time and as we look forward to 2017 - we can't wait for their wedding in May! Don't know how they feel, but I certainly feel like it's coming up quickly :) 

Much of the middle part of the year was about enjoying the summer and prepping to put our house on the market.  Sometimes I wonder how we could have been so crazy to take that on when we did.... but now that we're settling in, I know it's because we were confident it was the right thing to do. The stress of moving, especially with little ones, is second to none. I wont say, never again, because who knows.... but if we were to ever move again, the girls would certainly be able to help. I am SO glad that its behind us!

Then in the midst of the craziness of showings, prepping for Kindergarten, etc, etc.... I dislocated my shoulder. Which really sounds like no big deal, but when I tell you it was one of the most challenging things that's ever happened, I'm not exaggerating. Second to my recovery after Anna was born, this was TOUGH. Being a working mom with small kids, in its own right can often be difficult but when you add in something like this where you are completely useless around the house, it took the stress to a whole new level. Again, I'm glad that's behind us because it seemed like a real test of how much can you handle at once. And... we survived, phew :) 

Also in there, was Kindergarten. My sweet Madelyn Jayne started Kindergarten... what a huge milestone for her, that I completely under appreciated. The change, the nerves, the emotions... all of it, plus she started at a school that we knew she'd only be at temporarily, and 6 weeks later, she switched. Sure glad that's behind us too....So many tears, mostly from me, I feel like we put our super sweet, sensitive, cautious, curious girl through the ringer, and she did great! We lost sleep, had many of fights, hugs and talks trying to sort through the emotions of it all, and it finally now feels like we're in a routine. 

So, if you follow me on social media, you see smiles and pretty pictures of where we are or what we're doing. But looking back, this is what jumps out about our year. There were so many emotions, and situations that needed navigating and talking through.  More life and new stuff to figure out than in months or years past. There was lots of lessons, stress, and tears... and lots of wine ;) Through all of it though, I feel proud that we're still smiling, and happy. We're healthy and we have lots to be thankful for. Looking forward, I'm hoping for more quiet to start the year, and more rest. Some people don't like the January/Feb months when its cold and dreary... but for some reason in particular I am very much looking forward to the next few weeks/months. I can't wait to organize our house (finally!), clean, and have lots of QT with my family. Snuggles on the couch, movies, hanging by the fire, building snowmen, playing games... and hibernating. Not much on our calendar, and I'm thrilled! 

Thanks for following along, and reading my novel! Hope you have a wonderful New Year - cheers to a great 2017! XO

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