Saturday, January 5, 2013

In case you were wondering

We are alive and well :) so much time has past since my last post, I'm slightly overwhelmed at where to even start.  Ill give a quick glimpse into our last 6 weeks:

* this was the first December in at least 3 years that I didn't have to work on the weekends. From start to finish, I felt more present and prepared this Christmas than I can ever remember

* we meet our friends new baby girl, Hannah, and Madelyn quickly made a new friend!

* I finally adjusted to my new job and the new routine it brought our family.

* at the very last minute, I decided to go to the vineyard vines holiday party and I had a blast catching up with friends and old co-workers

* we made our annual trip into NYC with my family and had a ball. The night before, my parents surprised us (Brian and I, Bren and Sara) with tickets to Jersey Boys! After a visit around Rockefeller  Center, some shopping and a great lunch, my parents took Madelyn home and we went to the show.

* We had the best Christmas ever this year, everything about it was great. Madelyn enjoyed opening presents, especially her baby dolls, and we savored every moment.

* Madelyn took her first steps a few days after her 1st bday.  However, for the most part, she continues to crawl everywhere! She's walking quite a bit more now but only if you bribe her too :)

* One of the neatest developments of the last 2 months is Madelyn's love to communicate. She quickly picked up sign language which she uses often, and now she says "all done", "thank you" "no, no doggie", "more", "yummy", "book" "morning". My mom and I were chatting the other day and she said to me "honestly though, ---" and M chirped "ah-nst-y", we burst out laughing :) she doesn't miss a beat!!

* we rang in the new year with friends and had so much fun! New Year's Day, was the most perfect day at home with my loves. We hung out in our pjs, had yummy food, a fire and lots of laughs and kisses!

These last few weeks with my family have been incredible. I'm feeling organized, into a routine and more or less, ready for 2013!  We have a few things on the horizon, one that I'm particularly excited (and nervous) about is, we're putting our house on the market this spring. Although its been something ive been thinking about for a while, we agree we need to move. We spend at least 11 hours away from the house daily with our 3 hour commutes. Quigley is going stir crazy during the day (can u blame him?!), I hate eating dinner at 8:30pm and spending such little time each day with Madelyn. It's time we focus on our quality of life and make some changes!

Im not big on resolutions. Maybe I don't do well under or pressure, I cant be hard enough on myself, or I feel pretty content..? That said, I do have some goals for us for and I hope we can look back at this year feeling accomplished.

* be healthier
* less social media
* sell our house
* buy a new house
* pay off some debt
* more time with family and friends

I'm writing this after a perfect day with my loves.  now, im sitting by a fire with Bri and a glass of my favorite wine. It's all good :) enjoy your weekend!

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