Wednesday, March 9, 2016

My thoughts on having a house cleaner.

My opinion about having a house cleaner has greatly changed over the years.  I actually feel a bit guilty for my previous thoughts about it. Prior to being married, having a dog and kids, when we lived in a shoebox apartment - I totally passed judgement on people who regularly had a cleaning lman/woman. My thoughts were - its not that hard to dust and clean bathrooms, and why would you pay someone to clean up after you. I mean, no one really likes the tasks, but you do it. Flash forward a few years, and I want to confess how terribly wrong I was, and that I feel bad about my judgments.

I recently agreed to have our house cleaned on a regular schedule, and it's changed my life. I didn't even really have the OK from my husband, but when presented with the opportunity, I didn't hesitate. This was one of those decisions, that I had to make for our family, and most importantly, for my sanity. Sorry Bri, there's no turning back now - I'm hooked.  

From time to time, I'd have someone come to do a big cleaning either before a party, or when it seemed time for a deep clean. All the weekends in between, it was up to me. Over the last 6 months, it was becoming more and more of a challenge to find the time and energy to spend doing it. Since I work so close to home, sometimes I would come home on my lunch break, just to sneak in 45 minutes of uninterrupted cleaning/tiding. I did very little each night to tidy and clean, so come Saturday morning, our house was a mess and I resented the work I had to do. I don't like living in a mess, but quite frankly I found it hard to keep up with.

I was excited about the (obvious) benefit of a super clean house every two weeks, and me not having to do that work. But, I've also found that it's help me in other ways. Since, I'm relieved of the serious cleaning, I'm way more on top of the regular day to day cleaning. So, our house is tidy, clean and more organized over all.  That little bit of stress-relief and added organization, has gone a long way! I wouldn't have thought it possible, but only a few weeks in, and I feel less stressed, and more at peace while we're at home. The housework isn't overwhelming anymore. I've found I'm more present when we're home, because I'm not as distracted by my list of things I have to do. Another silly thing, but I'm wondering if a cleaner house will help us keep the germs out. That'd be an great added bonus :) 

So, just in case you are considering getting on someone's regular schedule - I highly recommend it! Dog or no dog, kids or no kids, if you can swing it financially, it's one less thing to worry about, and I'm all about that :) That's my randomness for the day... hope you are well! 

Happy Hump Day!

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